via dsfanboy

The folks at GameBrink got their hands on a copy of Kabushiki Baibai Torenakabutore, a stock trader sim, but not the one we mentioned before. And the verdict is? Solid offering from Hideo Kojima (is there any other kind?), but not exactly import friendly unless you read Japanese.

What's interesting about this game is that it relies on five years of real data from the Tokyo Stock Exchange, so the trends are realistic. They're not playing when they call this one a sim, are they? Further, all your favorite gaming companies are represented, like Nintendo and Konami. The lessons are real as well; a complete trading newb can apparently pick this up, play the game, and walk away knowing some real information about how the market works. Should a sim be so realistic? Maybe not always, but stock trading is apparently pretty addicting, so here it seems to work well.

Since there are multiple companies busily forging stock trader games, perhaps we'll see a release outside Japan for one of these ... and now we're hoping for this one, since we've gotten a look at it!

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