Opinions say iOS is easy to use, Android offers flexibility, BlackBerry is secure, but WinPho is unknown.
Android and iOS continue to power the best-selling phones on the market, but Strategy Analytics has looked at what consumers actually think of the OSs on the market.
iOS users choose the platform based on the user-friendly and intuitive experience on offer, with little need to customise their device.
In contrast, Android is regarded as more complex which is a caveat of being an open operating system, giving users more wriggle room to personalise their device.
BlackBerry is considered a secure and reliable choice for businesses, but consumers reckon the tech is outdated and unfriendly, while they're unsure of what to make of the Windows Phone OS.
Taryn Tulay, report author, Strategy Analytics, said: "The size of the associated content and app ecosystem, and the perceived quality of the content within it are key factors in determining how consumers perceive different mobile operating systems and how strongly attached they are to their OS of choice.
