New submitter jolle sends word that stable builds for CyanogenMod 9 rolled out to their servers last night, supporting a wide range of devices. Downloads here. From their announcement:"[This] release is for the majority of our ICS supported devices, the stragglers will catch up, and we will leave the door open for merging in additional devices from maintainers, external and internal. The team itself, will focus solely on Jelly Bean and maintenance of the CM 7 codebase. Many have wondered why we bothered to finish CM 9 when we are already active in CM 10 development. To that, our answer is: we don't like to leave things incomplete. There is no profit gained from what we do, so the satisfaction of completing a goal is our only reward. This release also serves as a release suitable for the masses, especially those who won't have 100% functioning releases of CM 10 immediately or are averse to anything branded as 'preview', 'alpha', 'beta' or 'nightly.'"