Want to look stupid and attract thieves at the same time? The solution to your problem is here!
Just yesterday I was talking with some fellow mobile people about the abundance of pointless phone peripherals.
While wittering on, I joked about a completely useless cutesy mobile accessory that makes it look like your mobile has a tail. It wasn't a particularly funny or clever joke and we moved on. But now….
The gates of hell have opened and unleashed the absurd monstrosity pictured above: the Faux Tail.
While other sites are exclaiming "ZOMG cute overload!" I'm taking a stand against this stupidity. Why would you want to jam some fur and fabric into your $300 device?
Furthermore, why would you pay for it? It's one thing if Disney/Pixar/Whoever distribute tat like this with Happy Meals to promote their latest film for kids, but Faux Tails cost $10.