PS4 and Xbox 720 do not exist. Got that?
Just because the president of EA Labels Frank Gibeau says he’s seen them, that doesn’t mean they’re real.
"I've seen both of them", he told a Gamescom audience, as reported by GameSpot. "Ten years ago we used to measure our market in terms of 200 million people. Now we are at a billion people playing games and we have a straight line view on two billion.”
But that doesn’t mean they’re real. We think Frank Gibeau is real. But PS4 and Xbox 720 are not real. The developers working on launch games for them are not real. Microsoft and Sony’s hardware developers are not real.
The component manufacturers making the innards ARE real, but the components they are making are NOT. Unless they are currently on the market or installed in existing machines. Then they’re real. But the ones being made for the new consoles aren’t. They’re not real. Understood?
Even when Microsoft talks about the New Xbox, that doesn’t mean it’s real.
PS4 and Xbox 720 are not real until Sony and Microsoft say they’re real, OK? And with new games and new IP being announced for PS3 by Sony on Tuesday, PS4 won’t be real for some time yet.
As far as MCV understands, Xbox 720 won’t be real until some time in Q2 of 2013. Probably around E3.
To be clear, we are currently in a state of unrealness. This unrealness will in an instant transform into realness when an official press statement confirming the real existence of new consoles arrives in your inbox. That won’t happen yet as neither PS4 or Xbox 720 are real.
UPDATE: MCV contacted EA to confirm a couple of points in this story. When asked if Frank Gibeau is real we were told "Frank is definitely real and a great person". So, that's that cleared up. However, when probed on the fictional PS4 and Xbox 720 we were told that EA had no comment. Perhaps it's corporate policy to not comment on fictional devices? The truth is, we're not sure what its policy on fictional devices is. Not that PS4 and Xbox 720 are real, of course.