Coin-sized battery is recharged by walking meaning you're never stuck with a dead phone.
Everyone has had the experience of being in the middle of a busy day with a mobile that's almost dead, with no chance of getting it charged.
Deciding which call to answer becomes a huge ordeal, checking the time using your phone is a luxury you can't afford and sending a text is completely out of the question.
But what if you were able to recharge the battery yourself, using just your own movement?
Researchers at Georgia Tech say they have developed a battery that does just that, via a coin-sized lithium-ion battery that slips into the sole of your shoe.
The team put polyvinylidene difluoride film in place of the polyethylene separator that usually acts as a barrier between two electrodes. When the polyvinylidene difluoride film receives some stress, it gets charged due to the compressive energy generated by the user's walking.