David Marsh believes talent is being squandered through a lack of creativity at the social gaming giant

It’s sad to see developers at Zynga working on copycat games rather than creating original content, Nimblebit’s David Marsh has said.
Speaking to Mobile Pie's Will Luton in an interview for Develop, the Tiny Tower creator said he was surprised that the social games giant did not often let designers create their own ideas, given the wealth of talent available at the company.

When asked by Luton whether he felt talent had been squandered at the studio, Marsh said that is something he would agree with.
He added the most exciting element of game development should be the creative side and coming up with new ideas, rather than just copying pre-existing concepts.
“The annoying part to me was that I know that there are lots of really talented people at Zynga because I used to work with them and they all went to work at Zynga,” said Marsh.
