Here it is folks, popstrip-0.3.

This version of popstrip supports all PBPs generated by popstation, including compressed PBPs from the latest version of popstation, as well as uncompressed PBPs from the latest version and the previous version of popstation.

USAGE: popstrip.exe [-o output.iso] EBOOT.PBP

If you don't specify a name for the extracted ISO, popstrip defaults to the-name-of-the-PBP.iso. So "popstrip.exe EBOOT.PBP" will create EBOOT.iso, and "popstrip.exe BASE.PBP" will create BASE.iso.

The extracted ISO should be IDENTICAL to the original used, including being the correct filesize.

Binaries for win32, and linux, plus a win32 GUI are below, along with the original source for those who want it.

Binaries for macosx can be found in my release threads on maxconsole or qj, they wouldn't fit here due to attatchment restrictions.

*** LICENSE ***
The source of popstrip is free to use and modify, all that I ask is that you acknowledge me in your release/readme/whatever for the implementation of this feature.

*** THANKS ***
Thanks to dapaua at maxconsole for the Mac OSX binaries (Intel and PPC included in the zip)
Thanks to Chossy at maxconsole for the Windows GUI (you'll need both popstrip-0.3-win32-gui and popstrip-0.3-win32)