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Thread: A Campaign To Stop The Fanboyism

  1. #1
    DCEmu Regular scrabbus's Avatar
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    Angry A Campaign To Stop The Fanboyism

    Ok people, some of you know me, some of you dont. Those who do know that I absolutely abhor the latest wave of Fanboys, whether they be sega, nintendo, microsoft or Sony. I, as I believe the majority of people in here are TRUE fans of videogames. I've made the same statements so many times I really cant be bothered to make them again. I would like to see some new rules on the subject, preventing the use of Fanboy rhetoric, and seeing bans handed out to those who continually espouse the ugly bias I have witnessed in here. I (and I'm sure many others) believe that this forum is different than ALL of the Dreamcast and videogames forums out there today. While I have seen the most pathetic abuse and ill informed bias in other forums, I had hoped I wouldnt see it here, but slowly its rearing its ugly head. I find it not too surprising that it seems to eminate from one particular area in here, psp forum anyone??? Now I know that Wraggster is a HUGE games fan, he set the sub-forum up to celebrate a nice spanky new handheld, but alas its been hijacked by a few members, a few members who I have noticed frequent a certain Dreamcast Warez forum that shall remain nameless. I am very passionate about this subject, videogames are more than just a hobby or an idle pastime. I think its about time we all got together on this to prevent this GREAT, Freindly forum degrading into the aforementioned warez site. SO PLEASE PEOPLE LETS WORK TOGETHER TO STAMP THIS OUT, I thank you all in advance.

  2. #2
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    while we won't ban someone for being a fan boy, people will (and have been) banned for flameing or stupid posts. we try to monitor all posts in the forum, but it is getting harder as traffic increases, but you can help by reporting "bad" posts by using the "report bad post" feature (the button with ! beside the computer)
    btw, alot of bad post r deleted by us that u never see, cause we r so dam good

  3. #3
    DCEmu Regular scrabbus's Avatar
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    hehehehe, I know man, but that PSP forum is getting like a rabid dog with big fleas

  4. #4


    That always happens when a console is an underdog unfortunately. The fanboys always feel that they have to belittle the top dog to make themselves feel better about their choice of supporting the underdog.

    Just ignore it. If it gets too bad, it will be deleted or edited - as has the topic that started your "campaign".

  5. #5
    DCEmu Regular scrabbus's Avatar
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    What handeld do you personally feel is the top dog, I mean I already have a fair idea because I follow the Business end of gaming a great deal, but I dare'nt say because I WILL get accused of bias.I know the "campaign" bit was just to get some attention hehehehe. On a more serious note though it does make the forum more like other forums. I love this forum the majority of people in here are serious gamers, just let down by idiots. Thanks for the support anyway.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    I (and I'm sure many others) believe that this forum is different than ALL of the Dreamcast and videogames forums out there today
    Completely agree, ive been meaning to say this for a while but this forum is very differant to all others i go on, theres a more laid back sort of feel with very few arguements or even disagreements. Would be a shame for this atmosphere to be ruined by fanboy-ism.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Regular scrabbus's Avatar
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    I have just found it easier to stay away from the PSP forum its just like a little schoolyard, that and theres a couple of DCFORUMS Warez monkeys in there ptr!!
    I just couldnt be bothered with the same old whining, oh and yes alegedly I'm biased towards nintendo because I DARED to question the PSP, go figure? The fact that I own Sony consoles has little to do with me being a fanboy!!! Makes me laugh but you know what they are like!!!

  8. #8
    DCEmu Pro
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    But you have to expect a certain amount of DC/Sega fanboyism on a DC forum really. But I know what u mean scrabbus. The PSP forum, is getting bitchy, mods should come down with an iron rod on them. Go on DS69 and, kick some ass.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Regular scrabbus's Avatar
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    Thanks, to be honest I never expected to get any support on this, but I am really pleased that I have. I really have tried to remain objective 3 years of politics does that!!!
    It just seems that no matter how humourous I tried to make my posts someone bit back like a rabbid raccoon, I can state for the record here and now I am not in the least bit biased towards any company, I just love videogames!! I have already stated that I will no longer frequent the PSP area of the forum, damn all I said was that I was still not convinced about the PSP, neither am I convinced by the DS, they just havnt grabbed me like the GB and the GBA, but hey its early days right?? At this moment in time anything for a quiet life man!!! Peace

  10. #10
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    But you have to expect a certain amount of DC/Sega fanboyism on a DC forum really.
    There's nothing wrong with prefering one company over another, personally i prefer Nintendo over Sony and yet even with my owning of Sony consoles, that opinon still makes me a fanboy.

    On the official Nintendo forums and official Sony forums you cannot move for people caling you a fanboy. I said I prefer the GC controller for TimeSplitters and was immediately flamed for being a so called fanboy. It's getting out of hand, every gaming forum on the net has been plagued by those that will outright scream that one company is better at taking your money for games than the other, and those that will call any display of an opinion fanboy-ism.

    I for one am sick of it. PSP vs. DS have fueled so much of this.

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