Team Bondi has confimed that $#@! of the Orient will be a next-generation IP.
The official blurb reads as follows:
“Shanghai, 1936. $#@! of the Orient. Paris of the East. The most corrupt and decadent city on the planet, where anything can be had or done for the right price. Plaything of Western powers who greedily exploit the Chinese masses. Boiling pot of Chinese nationalism, with the Kuomintang ruthlessly trying to suppress Communism and the labour movement. Home to the International Police Force, a group of Western cops hopelessly trying to keep the lid on and keep the peace.
“From the development team who brought you LA Noire and The Getaway, along with the Academy Award winning film production team of Kennedy Miller Mitchell comes a completely new and original IP being developed for next generation games consoles and PC.”
We’ve seen plenty of games that seemingly are in development for next-gen machines (Watch Dogs, Star Wars 1313) although Bondi has become the first studio to come out loud and proud about its development plans.
The announcement reinforces two notions.

  1. That the next-gen consoles are very close now
  2. That the industry is becoming impatient with Sony and Microsoft’s unwillingness to announce them

Don’t be surprised to see other developers to follow where Bondi is seemingly leading.