Is there an end in sight to the ongoing mobile patent wars?
Google's Larry Page and Apple's Tim Cook have been in secret talks with the aim of preventing the two firms descending into the kind of legal warfare that has plagued Apple and Samsung.
At least, that's according to a report in Reuters, which says the two CEOs have been engaged in conversation about patents in the wake of the Apple v. Samsung ruling.
The also says that in-person meetings are potentially in the works.
There's no way of knowing yet if this story is even true, let alone if the talks are bearing fruit, but it's good news that there is at least the suggestion of the two mega-firms meeting to find a solution to potential problems.
The current situation cannot continue indefinitely, and if there we are ever going to see a truce in the mobile patent wars it will take a long-term commitment and lots and lots of conversation to find a solution that is acceptable to both sides.