Swizzy has released another update to his own NAND Flasher based on 'NandFlasher_xex' (Corona compatible), with a few new useful features.

Just a few days after the release of the first version of Simple 360 NAND Flasher, Swizzy has already updated the tool adding a bunch of new features.

Remember that this one is based on NandFlasher_xex which is Corona compatible.

Official Readme and changelog:

Simple 360 NAND Flasher By Swizzy v1.1

* Requirements *

- A Hacked Xbox 360 (JTAG/RGH or similar)
- A nand dump to write or just enough space to save your nanddump on whatever device you use this app on

* What it does *

- It’ll flash your motherboards nand with the supplied image using rawflash v4
- It’ll dump your motherboards nand with to flashdmp.bin using rawdump v1

* Credits *
- cOz Thanks for all the help you constantly give me with just about everything, and thanks for rawflash!
- Thanks also goes to who ever it was that ported rawflash to SDK in the first place and making it open source!
- Thanks also to Jonblu @ Consoleopen for testing 256MB dumping

* Changelog *

– Added: Now able to dump your nand
– Added: Now also writes a log of whatever output it gave to you on screen (except for current progress output)
– Added: Timer, it now checks and tell you how long it took to perform the task (in seconds… if there is more then 60, you’ll have to calculate on your own how many minutes and so on it took )
– Fixed: Now properly turns of when you’ve flashed your NAND
** A Little word of warning: DO NOT exit the app after flashing… turn of your console after flashing it!! or you’ll not be particularly happy with what you see **

– Initial release, Just a quick mod of the previously released « nandflasher_xex » to fix output issue/problem and make it slightly more « safe » by requiring input from you…
