Square Enix today announced the Final Fantasy 'Ultimate Box' compilation set, as part of the series' 25th anniversary celebrations. The compilation, priced at roughly $450, includes every main series game up until XIII (no dash-twos for you) and is available in Japan from December 18.

Square Enix unveiled the box set at today's opening of the Final Fantasy Gallery in Tokyo. The first nine Final Fantasy games included are PS1 copies, with the exception of Final Fantasy III on PSP. Final Fantasy XIII is on PS3, and the rest on PS2, with XI as the 'Vana'diel Collection.'

Andriasang reports the compilation's extras include a commemorative DVD, an art collection, and a two-disc soundtrack among other goodies. Ultimate Box releases in Japan for ¥35,000, which translates into just under $450.

Square Enix also announced four 'Ultimania' encyclopedia-like books, which cover the entire main series of games and include previously unseen artwork. They too become available on December 18.

We've reached out to Square Enix to see if any of these products are headed west. Meanwhile, look out for some pristine photos of the compilation after the break.
