news via blog.wired

Another Taito franchise moves to Wii, courtesy Majesco. Everybody loves Bust-a-Move, even if you're a broke college student and you only know it as "Snood". Bust-a-Move for Wii brings all the modes you remember, from the regular ol' arcade mode to the puzzle stages, adds a dash of motion control, then caps off the whole thing with a crazy eight-player mode.

Yeah, you heard me -- eight players. Wii doesn't support eight Wiimotes at once, but if you're willing to get up close and personal with your fellow geeks, all you need are four nunchuk attachments. We didn't try that particular feature out, but we did make the other six players computer-controlled, and let me tell you, eight-player Bust-a-Move is nuts. By that point, there's very little point in actually aiming the bubbles that you're blasting -- just shoot at the UFOs that cross the screen, and when there aren't any, launching a volley of bubbles in any direction and crossing your fingers can be the way to go.

Motion control works well -- within a couple of seconds you won't even be thinking about it anymore; your cursor will just be going right where your brain wants it to. I was impressed, even though it's a simple thing. Well, not that simple, to which anyone who's used Super Monkey Ball's menu screen can attest.