Although it's not exactly the newest of news (it first broke last year as we remember), word reaches us today via Nintendo carrier pigeon that classic GBA-GameCube connector The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures will be smiting the DS this year at an as-yet-unspecified date.
A classic piece of GameCube and GBA connectivity, Four Swords was a splendid addition to the Zelda legend, but really required you to assemble four of your mates, as well as host of connector cables to enjoy it as its best.

However while details are scant to non-existent on the DS version (the tip came from Japanese retail), it's no great leap of the imagination to suppose that wi-fi connectivity will feature heavily and that you'll be able to randomly accost strangers on a train and recruit them for your Zelda quartet.

An excellent addition to the DS's roster though and we'll bring you more news on Four Swords DS as it's unsheathed.