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Thread: The DCEmu Interview - What Nintendo Console is the best one Released to Date ?

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Staff The DCEmu Interview - What Nintendo Console is the best one Released to Date ?

    Its been way too long since i did a DCEmu Interview, so for this DCEmu Interview Question, Ill ask What Nintendo Console is the best one Released to Date ?

    Nintendo have released some awesome consoles from the Nes to the Gameboy which also went into the Gameboy Colour to the Iconic Super Nes and Virtual Boy, then also we have the N64, Gamecube, Wii, DS/DSi and finally the 3DS.

    Which is the best one and Why?

    Got time to answer more DCEmu Interviews, then check these out below:

    The DCEmu Interview - Question 1 - What Consoles Do You Own ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 2 - Whats Your Favourite Console Of All Time
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 3 - Whats Your New Years Resolution ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 4 - What Got you Interested in Homebrew/Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 5 - Whats the greatest Game Ever ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 6 - Whats the Greatest Homebrew Console?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 7 - Whats the Greatest Homebrew Handheld?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 8 - Whos the Greatest Homebrew Hacker/Coder and Why ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 9 - Whats the Greatest Emulator Released?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 10 - What Game(S) Would you like to see Remade ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 11 - Whats the Greatest Platform Game Released ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 12 - Whats the Greatest FPS Game Released ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 13 - Whats the Greatest Sports Game Released ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 14 - How Excited Are You In Todays Homebrew Scene ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 15 - Whats the Greatest RTS Game Released ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 16 - What Would Make the Perfect Homebrew Console ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 17 - What Are the Best/Worst Online Games Shops?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 18 - Name all the Consoles You have done Homebrew On ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 19 - What Emulators are the Best In the Console Scene
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 20 - Whats The Best Gamepad/Controller Ever ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 21 - How Would You Improve the Homebrew Scene ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 22 - What Do You Want Off Santa For Xmas ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 23 - What Was The First Game You Beat?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 24 - Whats Your Longest Gaming time in One Session?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 25 - What Screen do you use for gaming?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 26 - Whats The Longest You Have Spent Playing One Game
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 27 - Whats The Worst Console/Computer You Have Owned?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 28 - Which is Best for Homebrew, Handheld or Console ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 29 - What was the Homebrew Main Event of 2008?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 30 - Whats The Next Console Your Going to Buy ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 31 - How Long have you Been into Homebrew/Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 32 - What Internet Browser Do You Use ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 33 - What Search Engine Do You Use?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 34 - Whats The Best Console for Snes Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 35 - Whats The Best Console for N64 Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 36 - Do You Cheat at Games ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 37 - Whats the Best Console for PSX Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 38 - Whats the Best Console for Megadrive Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 39 - Have You Ever Modded Your Consoles ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 40 - Whats Your Next Gadget/Console Buy?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 41 - Have You Ran Into Internet Hardmen/BullyBoys ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 42 - What Are You Hoping for This Xmas (2009) ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 43 - What Games on any Console/PC have you completed ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 44 - If you were in Charge of the Country What would you do?

  2. #2
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Well me personally, i still think the Snes was the greatest ever console From Mario Kart to pilotwings, zelda 3, Mario World and Mario All Stars and even the freaky Uniracers were all timeless classics. No other console has come close since imo

  3. #3
    DCEmu Regular WhizzBang's Avatar
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    I think the Wii is the finest console ever and the homebrew scene is the icing on the cake. The 360 hardly ever gets switched on in our house while the Wii is still used daily. I am amazed that so many people dismiss it lightly, and I put this down to the huge popularity of FPS games these days. These games have always been about graphics rather than originality and gameplay and that is why so few of them stand the test of time, unlike Nintendo classics from Donkey Kong through to Wii Sports.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Snes esily for chrono trigger and ff iv.. wraggster we need to talk sometime.. at the very least would it hurt to email me [email protected]

  5. #5


    Snes by a mile brought arcade quality into the home for the first time ever, at a reasonable price games like Axelay Starwing Super Metroid and Super mario kart cemented its place in history Axelay rebirth cmon konami

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