EA Labels president Frank Gibeau has labelled next generation consoles the company's currently making games for "spectacular".
Having said last week that Xbox 720 andPlayStation 4 are due to launch "in about a year's time", the man in charge of the EA Sports, EA Games, Maxis and BioWare labels told GamesIndustry.biz the publisher is relishing the prospect of a new hardware generation."When you launch a new IP it needs to do something really, really remarkable, and that's easier to do when you have a new set of technology that gives you novel capabilities. This is the longest cycle that any of us have ever seen, and we're at the point where a little bit of fatigue has set in, and people are wondering what they can possibly do next.
"I've seen the machines that we're building games for, and they're spectacular. Gen 4 hardware is a huge opportunity, and it's going to lead to a huge growth spurt for the industry.
"The only thing that could really displace that is really high-end tablets and IPTV, and IPTV is further out than just a couple of years," he added. "But those are the only two places I see that kind of risk occurring, and the good news for EA is that we're going to publish across all of them. We might ultimately find that to our advantage."
Oskari Hakkinen, head of franchise development at Remedy, said last month that the next gen consoles his studio's also developing for represent "a quantum leap" from those currently available.
