Sony is set to unveil a new virtual reality headset at the Tokyo Game Show next week, it has revealed.
As translated by a NeoGaf post, the tech will offer a full 360 degree experience with head tracking and a live camera.

Referred to as “the future of entertainment”, the headset has been developed in conjunction with RIKEN team Fuji.
The move to unveil the headset follows the success of the Oculus Rift Kickstarter, which has took the crowdfunding website by storm to raise more than $2.4million, smashing its $250,000 goal.
The project has also received notable backers including John Carmack, Cliff Bleszinksi and Marcus Perssson.

With Microsoft also rumoured to be working on its own virtual reality headset, the tech could have a key part to play in the next-generation of consoles.
The Tokyo Game Show will take place on between September 20th and 23rd, with Sony's headset slated to be revealed on the 22nd.