Four-inch Retina Display, but no jaw-dropping revelations.
Let's talk about the iPhone 5. (Click here for all related stories)
Prior to its launch last night, Apple's latest gadget had already secured a mammoth following, with 10m people expected to buy one on September 21st – massively outstripping the 4m 4Ss sold in three days.
Rumours covered plausible features like NFC, but also theridiculous, with talk of an $800 price tag and Apple-made bolts that couldn't be unscrewed.
ME said Apple must be innovative for true success, avoiding the same rehashed design with minor additions like Siri and improved cameras, giving loyalists what they deserve.
Well, the iPhone 5 does have an improved camera, but for the first time it also has a four-inch screen, 4G LTE and an A6 processor.
It also claimed to be the "world's thinnest smartphone" – it isn't.
93 per cent of consumers wanted a stronger screen and 86 per cent wanted a mini USB port – they didn't get their wishes.
The most notable feature missing from the device, of course, is NFC, meaning Apple is now trailing its rival Samsung who has shifted 20m NFC-enabled Galaxy S III phones in 100 days.
Check out some opinions from industry insiders below (accessories, enterprise apps, market research, social gaming.)
Dan Ashman, head of product at Breffo, said: "The new iPhone 5 presents a huge opportunity for the accessory industry especially with the new 80 per cent smaller adapter."
Lynnette Prigmore, head of product, Proporta said: "We're really pleased to see Apple live up to the expectations surrounding the iPhone 5. With the upgraded graphic ability, the new A6 chip and impressive camera function, Apple have once again raised the bar for the Smartphone industry."
Jim Hemmer, CEO of Antenna Software, said: "The iPhone 5 has not been re-designed – it has been re-fitted. It was the same story with the new iPad when it launched earlier this year, and that’s going to raise more questions about Apple’s ability to innovate in the post-Jobs era.
"Even more so when you consider that the most significant update to the iPhone 5’s hardware — an increased screen size — looks like it’s straight out of Samsung’s playbook."
Hemmer makes a brilliant point, large screen sizes is what Samsung is famed for, yet Apple saw fit to sue Samsung left, right, and centre, which may see the tables turn in due course.
Dominic Sunnebo, consumer insight director, Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, said: "The release of the iPhone 5 will give Apple a huge spike in market share as the large number of out of contract iPhone users upgrade to the new device.
"Apple customers are particularly loyal to their brand, and around 90 per cent of Apple consumers who are out of contract have told us they plan to upgrade to the latest model.
Alex Rigby, chief creative officer and co-founder of Playdemic, said: "For gamers who enjoy graphically intensive experiences, the new iPhone brings the experience closer to console quality gaming.
"One thing that still lacks however is improvements to the actual gameplay. While a wider screen provides more space for viewing when thumbs are on the screen, a lack of haptics or touch capabilities on the back prevents a true console gameplay experience."
What do you reckon? Are you ordering your accessories already? Can the iPhone rival consoles? Or is it just a nicely dressed refit that nabs inspiration from Samsung?