Dean Takahashi, well known Xbox blogger, recently got to speak with Bill Gates where they discussed the Xbox 360's competition, IPTV, and bigger hard drives among other topics.

Although Gates had earlier called the Nintendo Wii the Xbox 360's biggest competitor, this time around he cited the Playstation 3, saying that the novelty of the Wii controller would eventually wear off, especially without any really good games.

On the PS3 he said that Sony were basically playing catch up to the Xbox 360 and that they had "burned a year" trying to make the cell processor do graphics functions. He also said that 360 game developers would always be ahead of their PS3 counterparts too.

Turning to the Xbox 360 and IPTV, Gates said it should be a "win win" situation and that the 20GB hard drive the Xbox 360 has should not be a problem. Gates explained that the 360 doesn't need to do anything more than act as a set-top because with IPTV everything is stored on servers.

via PX360