I was browsing the web, minding my own business when I came across an interesting website.. The site owner is PAYING someone to find a way to port Android OS to the PlayStation Vita! BUT! will it work? So far they don’t have whole lot of money(the drive is donation based), but imagine if people kept donating.
What if they reached above $300…$400..or even $1,000? Would developers take interest? I’m not so sure, a lot of the developers I know of usually do these things free of charge(donations are never a bad idea though). That’s not to say there aren’t people out there with the right stuff, who would be interested in porting it for a little bit of cold hard cash.
What if the opposite came to light, What if there were a Kickstarter of Homebrew? how many of us would then realize our greatest wishes come to fruition through such a service? Alas, the same thing keeps popping up in my head, Developers would most likely not ask us for money hence the way things are done now. Their terms, their work, and our enjoyment. It seems to work well this way so who is to complain?

It just makes you wonder if this is successful (I’m not convinced) will it open the door for people of means to bribe devs into making/porting what they want? I would like to think not, but you never know and you can NEVER say never.
Sound off below on what you think about this and if you would take money to mod something specific
I am also wanting the Developers who frequent here to weigh in.
You can visit the website here
