Latest Sony firmware 1.81 patches the Monster hunter exploit, but as usual, Sony has been kind enough to only patch that specific game, and not prevent VHBL itself from running. The video below shows VHBL running on firmware 1.81.

This is VHBL running on an undisclosed game exploit on firmware 1.81. In the video, I’m showing VHBL running Wagic, as well as Game Boy Advance’s “Advanced Wars 2″ running through the GBA Emulator gPSP. Those of you with a good sense of sight might see that this is a quite old VHBL build, that’s simply because I was too lazy to re-compile to the latest version, and I didn’t really have to since this old build just ran out of the box.

It is no surprise that VHBL is still running, and I understand that at this point, people might be expecting more than VHBL. This is just to show that we still have access to these exploits, so those of you who updated and regret losing homebrew access see that there are still solutions being worked on. There is of course no word on a release yet, especially since the exploit is not mine. Those who want to keep homebrew on their Vita for now should stick to 1.80 and Monster Hunter.

As a reminder, anybody who owns a PSP can look for such exploits and port VHBL to them. Nowadays it requires more luck and dedication than programming skills!
