Games and interactive entertainment trade body, Ukie welcomes yesterday’s announcement from BAFTA of a new Best British Game category for next year’s British Academy Games Awards to celebrate the best game across all platforms created by a British development studio.

Ukie CEO, Dr Jo Twist said: ”It’s great to see BAFTA recognise the amazing talent coming out of the UK. With tax production credits due next year and computer science soon to be taught in England’s schools it is a great time to be producing British games."

Ukie Chairman and member of the BAFTA Games Committee, Andy Payne said: “The British Academy Games Awards reward creativity and craft in games and are recognised around the world. Each year the games committee ensures that the awards evolve to reflect the skills needed to make great games. Given the 'B' in BAFTA is for British, it is great that we have introduced this award which will reflect Britain's incredible talent pool right now.”

Ukie also congratulated Harvey Elliott, Managing Director and COO of Marmalade, who has been announced as the new Chairman of the BAFTA Games Committee. He replaces Ray Maguire whose term as Chairman ended in July.