AirJet Basketball is a wildly offbeat game from Another Way 2Play.

Ball control is intuitive, with a single movement.
Use air-jets to shoot or defend!

Play Free Throw mode first to make some baskets with several levels of difficulty: moving hoop, wind, etc...

Take on the AI or your friends in Classic or Arcade mode and show them who the Most Valuable Finger is!

Wanna play hardcore basketball? Play by the rules with an arena atmosphere where you can almost smell the sweat and beer.

Fire in the Mole!
Like us, you hate these damned rodents.
Catch, throw, and crush the mole in Arcade mode!
Doing this lets you attack your opponent (Deadly Eight Ball, Ice Freezer, etc.) or upgrade your abilities (AirJet Power-Ups, Magnet-o-Ball, etc).

AirJet Basketball is a technical game for those who like it that way, andtactical for those who are able, and is completely frenetic, boosting your agility!

Don't forget to look at our other outstanding games:
- Pinball City New York
- Pinball City Paris

iTunes links:
iPhone version : 0.99 USD / 0,79 EUR

iPad 2 and iPad Retina version : 1.99 USD / 1.59 EUR