Steve Wozniak thinks Apple's music-management behemoth should be opened out to Android users.
During an 'Ask Me Anything' session on SlashDot, the co-founder of Apple Computers had a few things to say about the mobile world.
Along with comments about why he thinks there is a perception that Apple has become less relevant in recent years (lack of choice, smaller screen on iPhone), he had something to say about iTunes.
He sees the turning point in Apple's history as when it time it took over the music industry with the iTunes and iPod, helped in part by its willingness to porting iTunes to Windows. So, why doesn't Cupertino do the same with Android?
Woz is one of the few prominent geeks who publicly appreciates both Apple and Android, and while his balanced views on the companies should speak volumes to the more virulent fanboys out there and it's great to see him pushing openness, this is never going to happen.
Porting iTunes to Windows helped shift more iPods, but there's no upside to Apple in terms of hardware by letting Android use the service. Remember, about half of all Apple's profits come from hardware. Take away the need to get an iPhone or IPod to have your iTunes library on the go, and there goes a $#@! ton of money.
If you could get iTunes on your Galaxy S3 or HTC One X, would you still be as likely to splash out on a portable iDevice?