A new version of the Dos emulator for the Xbox has been released. heres whats new:

Updated core to DOSBox 0.65

CDROMs can be real CDs or a directory on your XBox hard drive or an image file (ISO, BIN, etc)

IPX/Network/Modem support implemented (untested)

Added joystick mappings for the following missing keyboard keys:
Scroll Lock
Num Lock
Print Screen

Navigate menus using the keyboard
Up = Menu Up
Down = Menu Down
Enter = A/Select
Escape = B/Cancel

Bring up the Options menu from in-game by pressing
Scroll Lock and Num Lock simultaneously on the keyboard

Brought XPort GUI core up to most recent feature set

New 10x11 pixel aspect ratio mode. Access it on the Video/Skin Configuration menu.

New option under "General Options" :
"Auto-Return to Launcher After Exit Game"
This will automatically return to the launching program after you exit a game. (Only happens if the emu was launched with a game via the command-line method.)

There is no save state or rewind support, even though it may look like there is.

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