Every month we invite a member of the industry to anonymously air their grievances about whatever winds them up. This month it is all about iPhone 5.

So, I saw that Apple had launched a new iPhone. I call it a new iPhone but let’s be honest it’s more or less the same as the old iPhone.
They slightly upgraded the processor I heard, but that’s not the point of each new gadget they come out with any more. It’s always the same with Apple, the first generation is very bare bones, but they’ll purposely leave space for a camera or something, which leaves the media wetting its collective knickers about what features they think might be in the next generation.
Sure enough, the next generation creeps through the doors, only this time that camera shaped hole is filled with a camera. And I’m supposed to be impressed by this swindle?
This latest version (the long iPhone, as I like to call it) is nothing new. So they made the screen wider. So what? The biggest difference between this generation and the last is that there is sufficient difference between the two cases so that people can tell you have the latest model at a glance.
Because that’s all it is with most iPhones – take it out and wave it round. Make sure everyone else knows that you paid top dollar for the latest gizmo.
The next iPhone will have something else silly. I’d put good money on it. My forecast is that it’ll have some distinctive case design like indented corners or chrome edging or something that jumps out at first glance to identify itself as new, just so that some easily impressed people can find self worth.
The iPhone is nothing more than a vanity piece for shallow people. The fact that it’s done so well makes me weep for the future. Sent from my Galaxy S3.
