A recently published patent document from Sony, dug up by Kotaku, shows a Move controller with a band inside it capable of producing a heating or cooling effect in a player's hands.One example of how this could be used, according to the patent, is when a player continually fires an automatic gun; the weapon becomes hot, as depicted by the warming of the controller itself. When the player is forced to wait for the gun to cool down, this could be relayed by the cooling of the controller (as well as, it notes, the changing of the colour emitted by the glowing orb on the top of the controller, which could dynamically transition from a 'cool' blue to a 'hot' red).
It also examples scenarios where the player is hit with a fireball, or the use of the controller's heating property to detect an object that's not visible on screen (like a sort of thermal metal detector, we imagine).
Sony even suggests a non-gameplay function - the ability to cool the palms of a particularly sweaty gamer (that would be me).
Sounds cool to us. Until one malfunctions and barbecues someone's palms.
