Halo 4 has been leaked weeks ahead of its November 6 release, according to multiple online sources.
Images of discs and photos of Xbox dashboards displaying the game name have been posted online. While their validity can be easy debated, the claims are further supported by numerous Xbox Live profiles which have been spotted on the official Xbox site listing Halo 4 as the game currently being played.Examiner also reports that multiple gameplay videos were posted on YouTube Thursday night, and there are claims of profiles associated with playing Halo 4 being banned for "illegitimate prerelease title play".
While it's unclear if official discs have been sold early or if a pre-release review disc has found its way online, Microsoft has told Examiner that it's investigating the reported leaks.
"We have seen the reports of Halo 4 content being propped on the Web and are working closely with our security teams and law enforcement to address the situation," said a Microsoft spokesperson.
This is bad news for 343 Industries considering the game's official release is still more than three weeks away. Unfortunately, the Halo series is no stranger to leaks; both Halo 2 and Halo 3 made their way onto the 'net before they hit shelves, as did Halo 3: ODST and Halo Reach.
For now, if you wish to avoid spoilers we suggest you avoid all things Halo 4 on YouTube and forums for the time being.
