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This is pretty nice. A fellow named jas on winters has put together the Picodore 64, a homebrew C64 palmtop computer, complete with mini keyboard, USB slot, and mini joystick port. This is his entry into the DTV hacking scene. If your'e not familiar, a lady named jeri ellisworth created a line of C64 'plug and play' TV games-style products for QVC and wal-mart type institutions. But she essentially put the whole computer on a chip, meaning you can take something like this, basically some driving games in a steering wheel, and make a full-fledged C64 computer out of it.

Jason's work is documented in the first link, but more info can be found here. Apparently the keyboard bit was the toughest, and that gets its own post. Thanks to signofzeta and mike chicago for the links. here's another picture, to demonstrate just how small this is (basically just a bit bigger than two soda cans).

As an interesting aside, jason also runs the world's most successful fishcam. I have to say, it's pretty awesome. Fish swim around, while you control the camera, and open and close treasure chests and things.

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