News/release from Raphael:

I just decided to release the cardgame library I wrote up in a day back in december to try out a card counting mechanism for black jack and also create some sample code for my OSTL (open standard types library).
The goal was to make the code as clean as possible and provide all basic functions for a type of french tarock cardgame.
As it stands, you can create decks with variable number of card sets in it (each set containing 52 cards), shuffle decks, draw cards from decks, put cards onto discard piles, create player hands and put and discard cards into/from the hand.

The sample code does nothing much but create a deck with two card sets, and let you draw single cards and discard the player hand. So it didn't make it into a game, but at least that makes up for a good start into creating some nice card games or just learn from the code.

Everything is released under GPL. Hope you enjoy. Feedback wanted.

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via raphael