FeaRog's who has released his first Nintendo DS demo over at <a href="http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.php?t=5403" target="_blank" >the DS Dev Forums</a> called 3D Model Viewer.

<BLOCKQUOTE>I've been working like a madman since I got my PassMe (about 28 hours ago now), reasonably steep learning curve, but here's what I've come up with. I'll release the source once I've tidied it up a bit - its not terribly readable at the moment.

I think I'm running out of texture memory, you notice it on the later models. Theres a few bugs on the texturing of the 3rd model.

This sort of works on the IdeaS emulator, but not very well. It has z-buffer issues, texture changing doesn't work properly, and the SELECT button doesn't seem to work at all. For full effect, run it on real hardware with the PassMe

Touchscreen/D-pad = rotate
A/B = zoom in/out
Select = change model

You can get it here:

Check out screenshots <a href="http://ideasemu.altervista.org/" target="_blank" >Here</a> .