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Thread: [PS3]Unreal Tournament 2007 for PS3 to Support User Mods

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend
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    Default [PS3]Unreal Tournament 2007 for PS3 to Support User Mods


    TGS 2006: Unreal Tournament PS3 Supports MODs
    Microsoft 'quite negative toward user-created content.'
    By Patrick Klepek, 09/22/2006

    Amidst all the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 hands-on impressions and high-resolution videos, Gamasutra sat in on a Q&A session with Epic Games' CEO Tim Sweeney during TGS, where he discussed the difficulties and benefits of working with the PlayStation 3 hardware, how game development will change in the future and his enthusiasm for Sony's "enlightened business model" when it comes to online gaming.

    Sony's approach will enable Epic Games to grant fans access to create their own content for Unreal Tournament 2007 using Epic Games-released development tools and distribute them to PlayStation 3 users. Nothing like this has been attempted on consoles before because it wrestles control over content from the publishers, but Sweeny says he "would love to transfer this mod community over to the console platforms."

    Read the rest here:

    Mods have and perhaps always will prolong the life of a game and it is interesting that Sony is allowing this, but the question begs to be asked: Will other game companies follow suit? Do you think this move will help the PS3 or hamper it? What do you all think?

  2. #2


    Man, it's old. We already talked about the TGS 2006 in the last year.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend
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    Yeah I know its old, but this news hasn't been on this site; figured might as well share, because honestly its pretty big news.

    If Bethesda followed suit with Oblivion on PS3... Needless to say Oblivion would be the best selling title on PS3 ever. (There are thousands of mods for it already, all of which enhance the game significantly).

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    hmmm. This is the first bit of ps3 news that interests me! I will probably end up just buying ut2k7 for the PC since i already have a pretty beefy machine. Still good news.

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