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Thread: Elebits and Warioware - Bad Wii and Good Wii

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Rev Elebits and Warioware - Bad Wii and Good Wii

    via slashdot

    The anecdotal evidence that's been going around, now that the Wii is an established fixture in American living rooms, is that Nintendo's new console still has room for improvement. We all had fun over the holidays, sharing Wii Sports with our relatives and watching our aunts laugh themselves stupid. Now, though, it's a new year and it's time for the Wii to step up as a gaming platform. It needs to be more than a Zelda player, and the console needs to prove that this 'new gen' style of play is sustainable over the long term. The post-launch round of games has started to trickle out, and the results are definitely mixed. Today I have for you impressions of Elebits and WarioWare: Smooth Moves. These are two games that show quite a bit of promise, but only one of which actually delivers. Read on for my views, and a return to a numeric grading scale.

  2. #2


    I understand this is just one person's oppinion. But I don't agree with the statement, that "this will never be a classic" A lot of the gameplay resembles Katamari. I have a blast whippin pots and pans acrossed the room and pulling out shrubs. I also like building the levels and sending them over wifi to friends.

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