Apple has launched the latest addition to its range of tablet devices, the iPad Mini.
The new device hit UK shelves this morning as early adopters of the device queued early ahead of the Mini's 8am release.
It's expected to prove popular amongst consumers who have long been fans of the iPad but have held out until now for a smaller device that fits their needs, much like the Google Nexus or Kindle Fire.
The iPad Mini measures in at just 7.9-inches and offers specifications similar to that of Apple's previous iPad 2 with a screen resolution of 1024x768, whilst being powered by a A5 processor and coming complete with LTE technology, which will allow the new device to be used on EE's recently launched 4G network.
However, the number of those in attendance at the new device's launch pales in comparison to the crowds that camped out for a week ahead of the firm's iPhone 5.
Apple has come under fire for its new iPad device, with many highlighting its costly price tag when compared to similar devices on the market, along with the firm's decision to release the new product so soon after it launched its previous, third-generation iPad and new iPhone.
It's likely that these factors, matched with the prospect of queuing on a particularly cold November morning put a number of potential customers off, who may prefer to get their hands on the device in less-demanding fashion. Pre-ordering online, maybe?