A Newupdate from the CnCDS project:

I got the building placement mode done, so you can now build buildings and put them where you want. It properly detects if the building footprint is blocked by anything. I’ve not implemented the rule where a building has to be placed next to another though. I’ll do that later at some point.

I’ve also started to work on combat. I’ve wired up the ‘Y’ button on the DS to be a sort of debug attack button. It’ll damage whatever unit is under the selection counter by 10 hit points, though it doesn’t damage buildings yet. The code to destroy a unit once its run out of hit points is also in place.

Next I’m going to have fun adding the different weapons and turrets to units. I believe that C&C has some sort of weapon system that allows rockets to damage vehicles more than men, and machine guns to damage men more than vehicles etc. I’ll need to look into this.