via gamespot

For years, Nintendo consoles have had a reputation for being the most family-friendly. The Mario factory attempted to change this image on the GameCube by nuturing a few extremely violent games, such as Eternal Darkness, Killer7, and Resident Evil 4, GameSpot's 2005 Game of the Year. When the Wii was released last year, Ubisoft's Red Steel was the token grown-up game, and sold well despite poor reviews. According to NPD, the game moved over 219,000 copies as of December 2006.

Insert "little friend" and/or "Wii" joke here.
Despite rumors of a Wii Grand Theft Auto, the highest-profile adult actioner on the platform's horizon was The Godfather: The Blackhand Edition. Now, though, it appears the adaptation of the 1972 epic will be joined by the game version of another crime-cinema classic. The cover of this month's British Nintendo magazine N-Gamer clearly shows that Vivendi Games is bringing Scarface: The World is Yours to the Wii. The game was released last year for the Xbox and PlayStation 2. An Xbox 360 version was also planned but was canceled just as a PSP spin-off was announced.

According to the magazine, the Wii Scarface will have a control scheme similar to Red Steel. Players will point the Wii remote at the screen like a gun to control an aiming reticule to target opponents. The magazine also promises to use the so-called "Wiimote" for melee combat with the film's infamous chainsaw. According to N-Gamer, players will be able to sever legs and heads, and will hear the sound of the chainsaw emit from the Wiimote's built-in speaker.

No release date--UK, US, or otherwise--was available as of press time. When contacted by GameSpot, all a Vivendi rep would say is that more news was "coming soon."