New feature will allow users to make calls via wi-fi, providing businesses with 'enriched collaboration'.
It's no secret that RIM has suffered over the past year or thatBlackBerry users have become disenchanted with their devices, but the firm hoped to revive interest this week and announced its BB10 launch for January 30th 2013.
Now, RIM has launched BBM Voice, an integrated feature of its BlackBerry Messenger instant messaging service that will allow users to speak to their contacts and give their thumbs a rest when they're connected to wi-fi.
The move brings RIM a step forward but it's still behind, with the VoIP space dominated by Microsoft's Skype, while Apple already has a footprint in the market with Facetime.
As with BBM, BBM Voice will work globally, and the firm reckons it will provide businesses with 'enriched collaboration' while offering friends and family better comms over the Christmas season.
T.A. McCann, VP of BBM and social communities at RIM, said: "The new BBM Voice feature is for when you’re travelling and you want to call home without worrying about phone charges.
"It’s for when you have news you can’t wait to share, for quickly explaining complicated details, and collaborating with colleagues. Whenever your ideas are too big for text, there’s BBM Voice."
The service comes as part of the BBM version 7 update and is in beta for devices running the BlackBerry 6 or higher with support for BlackBerry 5 in the pipeline.