An American father recently produced an iPhone case that projects pepper spray, and the news that follows suggests there's a need for such an accessory on the market.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) says 40 per cent of robberies in large American cities are related to mobile phones and US and Mexican network regulators have vowed to clamp down on the crime.
It's believed that the stolen devices are being resold across the border in Mexico and other Latin American markets, which is why the partnership has come about. Robbery information will be stored in an international stolen device database that will inhibit devices from being reactivated when fleeing the States.
Julius Genachowski, chairman, FCC, said: "Today's announcement cracks down on the growing trend of stolen mobile devices. US and Mexican collaboration to block reactivation of stolen mobile devices in both countries sends a clear message to thieves and criminal gangs: this is a crime that does not pay."
The FCC and Mexico's Secretariat of Communications and Transport (SCT) will complete a report twice a year, detailing all associated info and data for operator commitments and so on, which will be made available online for the public.
In other theft-related news, one man was hunted in the UK for nabbing 252 iPhone 5s from an O2 store, whileiPhones occupy 28 per cent of stolen phones every year.