ME spoke to PacketVideo's Rick Schwartz about the company's Twonky media sharing service back in May; mobile apps that allow videos and other content to be 'beamed' across devices, such as from smartphone to TV.
This time, senior VP of consumer products and services, Jerome Rota (the co-founder of DivX), offered his vision for the connected home to reiterate the firm's ambitions, as well as his expectations for what results second-screen usage (mobile device use combined with TV viewing) will yield.
The second-screen trend is taking various forms, whether it's Shazam's ad tagging platform or Zeebox's TV-centric social network, but Rota is sceptical of the real user experience Shazam can offer.
"I'm not sure the app will be successful beyond discovering songs. A viewer would have to be a huge fan of a product to tag an advert to receive even more ads – it doesn't make sense. The brand already has the interest of the buyer, so there's no need to try and impose even more advertising upon them," he told ME.
"Twonky is designed to put users at the centre of their media world, the purpose of the service is to enable the seamless movement of content within the home. TV is the key because it's the natural means of video consumption.
"And with the decline in the price of tablets, which are now as low as $100, it's easy to see why the media devices are becoming a nice addition to TV, effectively replacing the need for remote controls in due course."