Nokia's latest N-Gage handheld was showcased behind closed doors in Santa Monica, California last week, supposedly bartering an impressive level of interest from top-tier third party publishers.

The next-gen portable was originally announced at last year's E3 show (RIP), where it was revealed to be heading to a number of Nokia' multimedia handsets and several games were showcased - along with the '06 shows finest (and sadly, only) booth babes.

This is all according to PocketGamer, who claims that publishers Sega, Vivendi, Square Enix, EA, Capcom, Namco among others were in the audience. The secret unveiling supposedly showcased the handheld's "activation code system" plus "track and manage" game sharing abilities.

With Nintendo's DS doing phenomenally well around the world and Sony shifting a respectable amount of PSPs, is there really room in the handheld market for Nokia? Looking at how it performed last time against the GBA, we're allowed to be a bit cynical - but perhaps Nokia will surprise us when its new portable enters the public eye.

via cvg