Last weekend I participated to the BlackBerry’s Got Game Port-a-Thon even. It was a 36 hour event, and the goal was to submit as much games as possible to the BlackBerry’s app world.
The new BB10 OS has a tool to repack Android and HTML5 applications, so I expected that most of the participants will do just that. The new BB10 is Qt based, so I thought that porting existing Qt apps is probably quite easy, but it’s not as straight forward as repackaging old apps, so I decided to do just that (hopefully less competition with this approach). I ported few QWidget and QML based apps just for the fun ;-)
Porting Qt apps with BlackBerry 10 NDK

I had 36 hours time to port apps in an environment that I had never used, so it was really important to learn how to use these new tools quickly. Luckily I can say that the BB10 native SDK is really good! The whole SDK is build on top of Eclipse based UI, and that’s pretty easy to use. It has a lot of project templates to choose from, and creating new installation packages from “file/export” is really easy.
The BB10 simulator is basically a x86 compiled image of the Operating System running on VmWare! This is how you should create all of you simulators. I’m looking at you Android. Booting up the simulator takes only few seconds, and launching new apps on the simulator is really fast.