Kakaroto release a Proof Of Concept to finish a manager by us. Citation: Hello everyone, Last year in January, I decided to have a little fun by developing a homebrew libraries from EFL . My choice was a Manager ... Wholesale to replace the XMB. This went pretty well and the development was fast with very good API and opportunities EFL libraries. However, having other obligations, I could go on ... again, it was a bit slow and without hardware acceleration properly, it would not have been up to my expectations, so I put the side project. Several months later, in September, thanks to the work of gzorin , we finally got an implementation GL functional, benefiting applications EFL - the latter benefiting finally hardware acceleration. My manager was much better! But there were a few little things to finish and with no time I again set aside. Today I decided to publish this application, * as is * for all to enjoy! This means that it is not fully functional, some bugs may persist here and there, but people can use it and have fun with. Most importantly, it will serve four purposes: - Can be waking PS3 homebrew scene dying - Be a good "exercise for the community," as it is to finish - Being a good example of what can be done with EFL - Push the non- developers to make themes for EFL application I submit Eleganz! A Manager elegant! A little app that allows you to install pkg files and launch your games directly from it.
i published my application both on github and the git of ps3dev. And you can also download a pre-compiled pkg for your PS3 and have fun with. few important points (features, limitations and bugs): - The user interface is fully customizable with themes. - The installation files pkg is locally in its own data directory (it will not be visible in the XMB real, unless someone does a "reverse" the format of the database) - Do not start the game (that is, do you use as a reference ps3load maybe ...) - The current theme lack of appropriate images for the progress bar (default theme is used exquisite/E17) - The system hangs for a few milliseconds when it tries to load the background image of a game (can be solved if you put up a pthread library and threading support in EFL) - Apparently when you plant leaves (bug) The application comes with two themes a dark theme and a light. I prefer the dark, so I chose the default (do not mind the gray background in the video, it was just for testing). I wrote the user interface for the theme (Edje files) while opium designed the graphics. The EFL theme engine is extremely powerful, so hopefully I'll see tons of themes happen. And I'm not talking about "Change images" theme, I want real issues, where the interface is different, XMB vertical one, a circular theme with a 3D perspective / depth for icons, background dynamic / mobile, etc ... You can learn about the file format. edj /. edc here and do not forget check the wiki on the EDC . I hope to see the community take part and have fun with. Well, now, have fun, and send me your patches! I wait: D Kakaroto ps: I forgot to say that the rules / naming conventions etc. .. EDC files are explained here . If a file. Edj is malformed, it will be ignored and will not be displayed on the user interface. pps: You can install EFL in Windows and have access to edje_cc to compile your. edc by. edj ... ppps: * * Damn, I always forget things .. I said that Eleganz works fine on PC, I've done all my development on it (the screens shown are for Linux), * then * I tried it on PS3 and it worked .. Therefore the development of themes, it should be fairly easy to test without even needing a PS3. archive contains the sources and the pkg. eleganz Official website: kakaroto.homelinux.net