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Thread: Yet Another FAQ for MapThis!

  1. #61
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I'm about to ask some very noob questions about PSP and mapthis because I am totally new to PSP (in fact, I ordered a psp 1.5 fw but hasn't got it yet) so please don't get pissed ><

    Ok here I go:

    -when I get my hands on the psp 1.5, what will be the first thing I best do? (play around with it to see if its working properly? upgrade to custom firmware immediately? etc..)
    -If I am to upgrade the firmware, which one should I go for that is most compatible with mapthis? (and games too would be nice)
    -Let say I want to use 3.03 OE-C, should I upgrade to 3.03 A then B then C or just do straight from 1.5 to 3.03 OE-C?
    -(This one is abit off topic) If I upgrade straight to 3.03 OE-C, will I still be able to use PSx emulator on psp?

    I'm buying the PSP mainly to utilize the GPS feature but being able to play games too will be even better.

    Thanks for reading and I appreciate any advices.

  2. #62
    DCEmu Regular
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    A bit of a late reply, sorry - glad you figured it out guys.

    A note on big POI files, I recall deniska saying that only the closest 400 locations will be shown (and upto 10000 per file), so when you scroll to a new area toggle to hide and show POIs again to show the ones for that area.

    Non english characters - I can include an option to strip them out, or if someone wants to post a mapping table substitute them for english letters.

  3. #63
    PSP Coder deniska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by in7ane View Post

    Non english characters - I can include an option to strip them out, or if someone wants to post a mapping table substitute them for english letters.
    The latest version should be able to handle "foreign" languages, provided that someone creates a "resourse bundle" for the language...
    I provided a sample bundle to allow Russian localization..

  4. #64


    I have purchased a PSP-290, and as soon as I launch MapThis, I get an error, and cannot continue.

    Loading USB Accessory module... error

    Any help with this would be much appreciated.

  5. #65
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by yama8bigdog View Post
    I have purchased a PSP-290, and as soon as I launch MapThis, I get an error, and cannot continue.

    Loading USB Accessory module... error

    Any help with this would be much appreciated.
    Did you put the proper .prx files in the Map This! folder?

    Are you using the proper EBOOT file (the one for the PSP-290?

    You have to double check all of the directions and try to narrow down what the problem might be. I'll be glad to try and help you set it up if you can provide the details.

    Tell us exactly what FW, Mother board, Map This version, EBOOT version... basically your entire set up and where everything is in your memory card. It doesn't work, I need help is too vague.

  6. #66



    Your download file was the only thing from this that I could get working. I followed the shoddy instructions, to the T and nothing would work. I was about to give up when I saw your file. Thank you again, as I was thinking I'd just wasted 70$.

  7. #67


    I have a 3.10 OE-A', TA-82(I think). And an old PSP upped to 3.40OE-A. I've been installing custom stuff forever. Something in the way you guys have the instructions written, I dunno I tried all versions of these files I could find. I would be up a creek without RAJ.

  8. #68
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by yama8bigdog View Post
    I have a 3.10 OE-A', TA-82(I think). And an old PSP upped to 3.40OE-A. I've been installing custom stuff forever. Something in the way you guys have the instructions written, I dunno I tried all versions of these files I could find. I would be up a creek without RAJ.
    So you got it working. Good. Congrat's.

  9. #69


    Thanks AnonJohn. It usually takes me a few days to get anything complicated working, but I try not to get discouraged. Just dig deep into forums, and usually some1 has had similar problems, and workout solutions. I would be lost without these forums, and though I don't post often, the knowledge gleaned is invaluable.

    Thank you all, and most of all Thank You Deniska for making this program.

  10. #70
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Good one Yama8bigdog, i am happy that my compilation worked for you.


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