A warning for brands not to miss their target audience by pushing to iOS.
Orange has released the Orange Exposure 2012/2013 study, which analyses mobile trends adopted by teens aged 11-18 in the UK, France and Spain. The respondents consider mobiles their primary device screen, with 83 per cent and 95 per cent of those in the UK and Spain owning a smartphone.
Reasons for favouring mobile included:
* 92 per cent of Brits say it's a "way to always have a media device at hand"
* 55 per cent of Brits say it's "mine and no one else’s" so “I can access what I want, when I want."

However, the report makes a key note for advertisers not to miss out on the opportunities presented by BlackBerry, even though 56 per cent of adult users want an iPhone 5. It shows that BB penetration among UK and Spain teens is two and three times higher than other mobile device, while iPhone's is low because of the high price tags.
Meanwhile, one in two Spanish respondents owns an Android device, with 38 per cent of Brits also owning one – a 14 per cent year-on-year increase.
Social media is also a big player with youngsters as Brit kids admitting to spending an average of ten hours a week using networks, while three-quarters of teens across the UK, France and Spain discussing watch they're watching on TV view social networks accessed from their mobile.
The figure supports the ever-growing trend of second-screen use, and PacketVideo's prediction that tablets will replace TV remotes in the future.
Stephanie Hospital, exec VP of Orange Digital Audience and Advertising Division, said: "The question that every advertiser and brand should be asking themselves is 'am I on top of this new consumer usage and am I using mobile marketing to its full potential?'
"The research lays bare the significant opportunities for advertisers to monetise and engage with their audience in a responsible manner – with teenagers so firmly adopting the mobile as their key device; and adults using multiple screens interchangeably as second nature - advertisers must sit up and harness its potential."
