'The eShop has restored our faith in the potential of downloadable console games', says Frozenbyte's Joel Kinnunen

Indie developers have expressed their delight at the lack of restrictions and barriers to releasing content and patches on the Wii U eShop.
Frozenbyte VP Joel Kinnunen told Develop that devs could currently update their titles for free, and was combined with a relatively quick and easy certification process, similar to that of PC games.

He also said that certification was much faster than on Xbox 360 and PS3, which have had well-documented issues relating to lengthy approval processes and expensive update costs.
“There's still a certification process in most cases but it's much faster than on the other consoles, and the financial burden is basically non-existent,” said Kinnunen.
“At the moment it seems like it's combining the best of both worlds - the fast and free nature of PC updates, and the "it works like you expect and won't break your system' certification requirement of console updates. We could probably work with no certification at all, but it's easy to understand the need for it in the larger scale, and in that sense the eShop is a great combination.”
