via reuters

Perrin Kaplan, vice president of marketing for Nintendo of America, said the Wii was also popular at family gatherings over the holidays -- including her own.

"For the first time ever over the holidays all the people in my household were playing together," Kaplan said. "I know it was a first for a lot of households."

Indeed, Marusin said he was floored by how the Wii caught on not, only with his wife and friends, but also with his extended family.

"My father-in-law, who doesn't even have a debit card, was bowling," Marusin said. "That was the big talk of the family."

John Sams, a 20-year-old student in Greenville, South Carolina, said he knew the Wii would be provide a new opportunity for socializing before it even became available. As a result, he and his brother, Indy, 22, started a Web site to link up people interested in Wii gaming parties in their area.

The site,, has about 150 registered members and Sams said he has met several people through the site who have attended Wii parties at his apartment.

He now has friends and classmates over to play games like "Red Steel" and "Excite Truck" at least four times a week.

"I became famous for it," Sams said.

Recently, a man sent to repair his building's security system even joined in on the fun.

"He wanted to play, so he stayed for about 30 minutes before his cell phone went off," Sams said.