via tepples

The Soviet Mind Game was invented by Russian programmer Alexey Pajitnov in the mid-1980s and sold under the name Tetris. From 1988 until 2000, various Tetris products had vastly different control feels and rotation systems. The Tetris Company standardized the games sold under the Tetris mark starting with Tetris Worlds (2001), but some of the changes proved controversial, especially the new infinite spin play mechanic.

LOCKJAW is a configurable implementation of the single-player Soviet Mind Game. Its 20 options can be configured to emulate at least Tengen Tetris, Sega's arcade Tetris, NES Tetris, Game Boy Tetris, The New Tetris, Quadra, Tetris The Absolute The Grand Master 2 PLUS, TOD (without the distortion effects), several modes of Tetris Worlds, and Tetris DS, along with various combinations not yet realized in a Tetris product. Don't like infinite spin or the T-spin triple? Turn them off. Think 8 next pieces are too many? Turn it down. Want faster or slower sideways motion? You can. Want to try the challenge of a low ceiling? You can.

LOCKJAW is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Game Boy Advance (since 0.26), and Nintendo DS (since 0.30 by request from owners of SLOT-1 flash cards).

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