Crowdfunding service says creators benefit even in failure

Crowdfunding service Kickstarter has no plans to alter its all-or-nothing funding policy.
That’s according to a statement, given toGamasutra, following a game that missed its funding goal by a just $28.

Backers pledged 99.94 per cent of the $49,972 needed to fund DreamQuest;s trading sim Alpha Colony, but because of Kickstarter’s policy they will receive none of it.
Kickstarter says that it doesn't want to put project creators in a situation where they're forced to deliver anything under budget. It wants to “protect” them from the awkward situation of not being able to deliver on their backer rewards, t-shirts, CDs, collector’s items and so on, which are often dependant on reaching their minimal funding goal.
And that goes for backers too. Those funding a project see value in it, but they deserve to have they’re investment protected.