Supermarket giant Asda is weighing up its options in the digital games space.
Asda Direct trading director Frazer Locke has told MCV that digital is the one thing lacking from its new online entertainment offer, which it launched last year. And it is looking at a whole range of options.
“The undone thing for us is digital,” he said.
“Could we partner with someone? Or should we build our own solution? We’ve been looking at this for some time and haven’t quite found the right solution. But we will do.
“There are two huge opportunities in games. One is around casual games, and that should manifest itself in the likes of apps. And then there’s subscriptions. We sell World of Warcraft subs but is there anything we can do to make it more immediate by linking with the likes of Blizzard?
“And what can we do with PSN and Xbox Live? There’s lots to consider.”
Locke says Asda Direct is one of the UK’s fastest growing websites, up from No.31 to No.15 on Hitwise.